Decision Tree Software Engineering Ppt


Introducing Microsoft Research Podcast, intimate conversations with the researchers behind cutting edge discoveries and how they plan to change the world. DECISION TREEPut your ownText here• This is an examplePut your own text.Text here• Use your own text.Put your own • This is an exampleText heretext. Graphical representation of the analysis can present the information better using: Entity-Relationship Diagrams; Data Flow Diagrams; State Transition Diagrams. Event table, action table. Decision Tables; Decision Trees. Decision Tables. Representation of logic that is part of the processing; Based on a set of conditions,.


A decision tree is a graph that uses a branching method to illustrate every possible outcome of a decision.

Decision trees can be drawn by hand or created with a graphics program or specialized software. Informally, decision trees are useful for focusing discussion when a group must make a decision. Programmatically, they can be used to assign monetary/time or other values to possible outcomes so that decisions can be automated. Decision tree software is used in data mining to simplify complex strategic challenges and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of research and business decisions. Variables in a decision tree are usually represented by circles.

Here’s a simple example: An email management decision tree might begin with a box labeled “Receive new message.” From that, one branch leading off might lead to “Requires immediate response.” From there, a “Yes” box leads to a single decision: “Respond.” A “No” box leads to “Will take less than three minutes to answer” or “Will take more than three minutes to answer.” From the first box, a box leads to “Respond” and from the second box, a branch leads to “Mark as task and assign priority.” The branches might converge after that to “Email responded to? File or delete message.”

Decision Tree Software Engineering Ppt

Decision Tree Software Engineering Ppt

See also: decision support system, decision management